Time has elongated. Though communications are fast and ever-changing, the length of the day expands. We’re processing a new landscape, which is nothing we’ve seen before. The coronavirus pandemic is a giant societal pause. We’re forced to stop and re-evaluate. We’re called to care not just about friends and family, but about strangers, because we’re deeply interconnected. We’re asked to set aside our inconveniences and see the bigger impact. It’s a practice in patience, perspective, and compassion.
My in-person mindfulness classes are all cancelled. We must separate to save lives. Still, we’re human. We long for connection. I feel called to do more. The computer is not always my happy place, but it’s where I can best serve right now. More than ever, I want to spread a message of kindness, hope, and beauty; and a reminder that it’s okay to feel what you feel—everything belongs.
Here are some supportive resources:
Daily texts. I send free daily text messages to hundreds of people. The texts, which come at a different time each day, are gentle reminders to pause and breathe; to be kind inward and outward; and to broaden awareness. If you don’t yet receive the texts, you can sign up here.
Meditations. There are many and varied audio-guided meditations on my website. When you need support, please sink into these meditations. Also, I take requests! Let me know what type of meditation you're looking for (e.g., I want a meditation for when I feel…). I'm happy to create new, meaningful meditations. Contact me with suggestions.
New online class. In these uncertain times, difficult emotions arise: fear, frustration, helplessness, loneliness, anxiety, and grief. Though in-person connections must be at a distance, we can still be together as community. I just created a new 3-week online class, “Living with Uncertainty.” The course provides space to meditate, write, reflect, feel, and connect. It provides ground when you’re feeling groundless. It’s a safe, brave space to feel what you feel. Class begins March 22. Click here to learn more.
Social distancing is vital for community health, yet it’s difficult for our psyches. Please know I care about you. I’m genuinely interested: How are you in this moment? What’s difficult or interesting? What’s a blessing and what’s hard? I’m listening. You can write in the comments, contact me directly, or write anonymously on my website. I take your words into my heart.
be gentle with your soul