Living with Uncertainty
Ground within the groundlessness
When life is uncertain, difficult emotions arise: fear, frustration, helplessness, loneliness, anxiety, and grief. Self-compassion and mindfulness are powerful resources in tough times. This 5-week class includes meditation, writing, reflection, and connection. It provides ground when you’re feeling groundless. It’s a nurturing space where you can show up as-is.
Each week, there are four wholehearted lessons, which include a teaching, audio-guided meditation, writing prompts, and everyday practice suggestions. Once you purchase the course, you have lifetime access to the material. There’s no rush. If you follow the outline, you’ll spend 2-3 hours per week (on you!), yet you can also slow the pace to fit your schedule.
Prologue: Welcome and get comfortable
WEEK 1 (Settling In): How are you?; Grounding within yourself; Feel what you feel; Being okay with not being okay
WEEK 2 (Seeing Goodness): Basic self-care; Opening to joy; Seeing your goodness; Seeing other’s goodness
The Pause
WEEK 3 (Honoring Difficulty): Honest check-in; Look for the teaching; Face fear; Lean on nature
WEEK 4 (Moving Forward): Create a kind routine; Let go bit by bit; What matters most?; Move forward with intention
Epilogue: The dance of life
It’s helpful to look inside the class; to see, feel, and experience an example lesson. Here’s an excerpt: Seeing the Goodness in Others. If you want to see another lesson (any from the outline above), please contact me.
support from me
I connect individually with everyone taking the class. My inbox is a safe, confidential space for you to share insights, roadblocks, and questions. I’m here for you. [And, if you want extra support, you can schedule a Spark Session and receive a special rate.]
This course is accessible to everyone. It's possible to live wholeheartedly in uncertain times. It’s possible to find wisdom in the messiness. It’s possible to feel what we feel—to be both okay and not okay, and that’s okay. I warmly invite you to join class; to apply self-care during this difficult time. For a personal invitation, watch this short video:
choose to BEGIN
You are worthy of your own love, care, and attention. This course is a gift to yourself. If you’re not satisfied, I’ll provide a full refund. If you have questions, contact me. When you buy the course, you’ll receive immediate access (class link and password sent via email). You can begin today. Give yourself permission to look inward with kindness and care.