An Honest Look — BORN JOY

An Honest Look

In this time of forced hibernation and uncertainty, I want to spread messages of hope, light, beauty, compassion, and connection. And still, I must honor the difficulty in our current situation. There are many hard truths:

People will become ill and some will die. Our healthcare system will be stressed: basic needs (as well as pressing needs) won’t be served in the standard way. Businesses will close. Many people will lose their jobs. Those who live alone will experience loneliness and depression.

I don’t want to generate fear: I want to acknowledge the anxiety, overwhelm, and uneasiness that so many people feel right now. It’s okay to not be okay (or to be okay!). It’s okay to feel what you feel.

So many times in my life, when things were hard, someone looked at me and said, “I’m sorry things are tough right now. I understand.” Those words made me feel better. I felt seen and heard.

Please know I’m here. And I’m listening. If you have inner discomfort and concern, write in the comments, contact me directly, or share anonymously on my website.

Gratitude, compassion, and kindness buoy us. They bring light into dark times. Yet we also must honor the dark: look at and express from our tender, vulnerable places. Not in denial yet not overwhelmed. An honest, real, compassionate response to ourselves and to others.
