Day 1: What's Real (grief)

Our desktop computer crashed. There was no loss of data. Everything is okay. Still, I must shift my work flow (and get creative with my Chromebook) while we research and buy a new machine.

Yesterday, Mark asked a question about the search process. As I replied, I started crying. Sobbing, really. This wasn’t about the PC. It was grief, surfacing in an ordinary moment during our backporch conversation.

I miss people! After Christmas, where I received a loving dose of family, we’re back to quarantined life during a cold Wisconsin winter. My heart aches. And I realize other people’s hearts ache, too. We all feel a complex mixture of emotions. We’re not okay and that’s okay. It’s only when we pretend otherwise that life feels stunted.

So, I decided to create a short video each day (for 1 week). It’s the What’s-Real diary. You’ll see that I’m just as vulnerable, tender, brave, grateful, sad, and messy as all of you.