I have a new offering: The Pause. It’s a way to feel calm and grounded each week, without a big commitment of time or money. Included below is an excerpt from a weekly Pause. You can join at anytime!
We receive loud and regular messages from society: Do more. This is urgent. Reply right away. Hustle, hustle, hustle.
Notice how you feel reading these words. It doesn't feel good to rush.
These cultural messages are unkind and they're untrue!
Rarely are things urgent.
Take a deep breath (let your exhale be audible, like a big sigh).
You have time.
You have space.
You are doing great!
Today, rewire the urgency habit.
Look at your list of work/home tasks for the day.
You're not going to complete it all and that's okay!
Choose the three most important things on your list.
Rearrange the other tasks—move them to another day or delete them altogether (are you doing things you don't need to do?).
Give your attention to what's most important.
Yet remember that even important tasks are not urgent.
You can make progress without rushing.
Throughout this day, take 3-breath pauses. Let your outbreath be long and audible. Thirty seconds of space.
5-Minute Meditation
Your attention is a precious resource. Pay attention with intention. Focus on what matters most.
You'll forget (you're human!) and you can begin again.
reconnect with yourself in the pause