What’s happening (daily!) in the new administration is both mindboggling and heartbreaking. It’s natural to feel helpless and hopeless.
While there’s no quick fix, there are things we can do. These practices can keep you grounded…
Research affirms that nature soothes us. It calms our nervous system.
Plus, it reminds us that things change. Winter turns into spring, spring into summer. Nothing lasts forever. The natural world has endured horrendous storms. We will, too.
Get outside. Walk through a park, hike in the woods, look up at the sky.
After the election, I went on a news freeze (and felt so much better!). I’ve dipped back in, mostly to stay informed on ways I can help.
The news is a rabbit hole of rage, disbelief, and sadness. Choose one or two trusted places to curate your news and limit your intake. (For example, no news after 8p.)
It’s not your responsibility to keep watch over the country. Instead, get offline and serve your community. Do the good right in front of you.
In harrowing times, we can become too serious. If the world’s on fire, we can’t be happy. Yet our best work comes from our joy not our despair.
Laughter is necessary medicine. Fun and play are restorative. Creativity is resistance. We must all prioritize joy, not as a theory, but as a daily practice.
Schedule play dates. Connect with others. Make art. Watch comedy. Dance in the kitchen.
Our country needs your courageous joy.
Keep Breathing and dancing.