I’m starting a new weekly series!
Each Wednesday, I’ll share an everyday mindfulness practice. These are short, doable exercises you can fit into your busy day…
It’s hard to find time for meditation. Even a brief pause seems impossible during a hectic day.
Yet there are regular windows you can utilize, and red lights are one of these spaces.
You might think red lights get in the way, but you can re-frame them as mindfulness pauses.
Who else in your life tells you to stop?
Most often you’re encouraged to go-go-go, multitask, and achieve.
Next time you hit a red light, let yourself smile. If it helps, make the practice a little silly (laughter can lighten your mood).
You’ve been longing for space to practice mindfulness. Well, it’s here!
Take your hands off the wheel. Let your shoulders relax. Enjoy three deep breaths.
This can be a regular check-in with yourself. Space to breathe.
Space to notice how you are in the moment. How’s your mind-heart? What do you need?
It’s possible to embrace red lights.
Don’t look at your phone. Don’t change the music. Don’t honk your horn.
Instead, let go of the steering wheel, relax your shoulders, and just breathe.
If other people are in the car (including kids!), invite them to join you.
Soon, you’ll hope for more red lights.
Thank goodness, something in your life invites you to stop, breathe, and just be.
Look for red lights.