An Empowering Reframe
Mindfulness practice often involves reframing.
You have a mind habit that is well-grooved but no longer helpful—in fact, it’s unkind and restrictive. Yet a slight reframe creates a supportive habit.
Consider the difference between “Can I …?” and “How can I …?”
The first question implies doubt. It limits your view.
The second question widens your perspective.
“Yes, I can do this. Now I just need to figure out how.”
This shift in mind-state opens you to creativity and possibility (including asking for help). It empowers you.
Rather than being mired in indecision, you see a pathway forward.
This week, if you notice yourself asking “Can I do this project?” try to reframe with “How can I do this project?”
There’s empowerment in that small tweak of words. And eventually these 1-degree shifts create large, meaningful change.